Symphony Hills

Symphony Hills

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Saturday, 1 September 2012

Quotable Quotes on Symphony Hills Cyberjaya

Quote:  "No developer will give you this much of greens and low density"...from an investor of Symphony Hills who purchased 6 units of Mozarts and 1 Unit of Schumann!

Quote:  "4 over acres of club house facilities, is unheard off"....from a purchaser whom has never stepped into Cyberjaya and bought a Beethoven within 4 hours on her first visit to Symphny Hills

Quote:  "better layout than Desa Park City"...from a purchaser who bought two Schuberts

Quote: "No reason to ballot when i could purchase a Mozart at Symphony Hills at a cheaper price"...from a purchaser who bought a Mozart after visiting Eco Glades

Quote: "This is where I want to raise my family"... from a purchaser who bought a Beethoven

Quote: "I never knew there is such a place"....from a purchaser who bought a Beethoven during first visit we need to say further?

Visit us today and see it for yourself. Call any of the sales representative on top and make an appointment today.

Oh! Lastly, a friend of mine was telling me..."Aldrin, you are hard selling with this blog" and I said, "let the prospect judge".

Hard sell, soft sell, whatever you want to put it, Symphony Hill is still the only developer that gives you 4 acres of clubhouse, loads of greens, low density and a lot more to offer....

Don't Miss The Worms Again!!

For the past 10 years we have seem massive phase changed in areas where no one would imagine where they are now..... places like Puchong, Kota Damansara, Ara Damansara, Putra Height were considered "low end " property sites. Todays these are areas where most people sought for either for new comers from other states migrating to Klang Valley or people shifting within Klang Valley. For those whom have invested at those areas would easily made an handsome capital gain as well as rental return yields over the years. 

Obviously, the nest question is......... where is next hike ? One of the potential area is Cyberjaya !! Located just 1 mile stone from Puchong is now brimming with commercial and residential projects. Today, it is home not only to more than 600 local companies and multinational corporations but also growing number of the learning institutions catering to local and foreign students alike. For the past 3 years, more than 10 major developers have bought large tracts of land for residential, commercial and institutional developments in the Cyberjaya. MNCs have set up BPO center, IT HUBs, R&D centers setting up in the region


Labour, construction materials and consultancy costs are rising and will continue to rise. More importantly, the land cost has gone up. Therefore, don’t wait, buy now”
If you don’t buy or invest in properties this generation, your next generation will not be able to afford it.
Call 016-2669009 Janice for more info..